Frequently Asked Question

I am bridging to Immutable X from Immutable zkEVM but keep getting refundedm why?

In order to bridge token to Immutable X, you need to have connected your wallet at least once to Immutable X in order to create your account.

Disconnect and reconnect your wallet by selecting Immutable X network in order to create your account. Then you can try to bridge again.

Is it Immutable X or Ethereum blockchain?

ImmutableSwap provide swap on the Immutable X blockchain.

Do I have to connect my wallet or to signup to make a swap?

ImmutableSwap does not require you to connect or sign to make a swap.

Only one clear and readable transfer will be sent to you when you click on the swap button..

I made a swap but I didn't received any tokens?

If you transfered tokens with the swap but you didn't receive any tokens, you should:

- 1st check on and search your wallet address. It can take sometimes 10 minutes to update a transfer.

- Check if your transfer was sent back to you. If pool doesn't have enough liquidity to make the swap, your transfer will be resent to you in the exact same amount.

- Contact us on

My transfer failed, what should I do?

Sometimes transfers fail on Immutable X and it is not an issue. No funds will be lost.

It can come from various causes.

What are fees for a swap?

There is no transfers fees, but the swap provider take a percentage.

It depends from tokens. Fees are linked to the demand of swaps. It can goes from 0.5% to 4%.

I didn't received the exact amount, is it normal?

It is really important for us to give you a precise amount of the tokens you will receive, but unfortunately due to the swap process, the amount received could slightly vary.